Keimei Plastifizierung Technik GmbH(譯:凱美塑化科技(ji)有限(xian)公司),位(wei)于(yu)德國(guo)北(bei)威州威利希市,致力于(yu)前端(duan)塑化技(ji)術的研發及其衍生產品的制造,擁有多項業內領先的塑化技(ji)術專利和(he)專有技(ji)術,努力為(wei)客戶打造多種(zhong)差別化和(he)高附加值的解(jie)決(jue)方案。
KEIMEITM的(de)產(chan)品和服務范圍涵(han)蓋(gai)塑化擠出技術涉及(ji)的(de)多(duo)個領(ling)域,如:高(gao)分子材(cai)(cai)料(liao)的(de)共混與改性,熔紡領(ling)域、超(chao)細纖維著(zhu)色(se)和功能化等等。其產(chan)品有:新(xin)型KMD TM雙(shuang)螺桿(gan)&三(san)螺桿(gan)擠出機(ji)、纖維試(shi)驗機(ji)和EisvogelTM納米級(ji)色(se)母粒等功能性材(cai)(cai)料(liao)。
KEIMEI近(jin)幾年在(zai)全球范圍內展開(kai)布(bu)局以(yi)滿足(zu)快速(su)變化的市(shi)場(chang)需(xu)求(qiu),2016年4月在(zai)亞(ya)太(tai)(tai)區成功并購煙(yan)臺(tai)華大納米材料(liao)有(you)(you)限公司,更(geng)名為“凱美塑化科(ke)技(煙(yan)臺(tai))有(you)(you)限公司”,凱美煙(yan)臺(tai)是 KEIMEITM布(bu)局亞(ya)太(tai)(tai)、擴(kuo)產(chan)納米技術產(chan)品和部分設備產(chan)品的生產(chan)基地之一,也(ye)將更(geng)好地為亞(ya)太(tai)(tai)區域(yu)客戶(hu)提供(gong)快速(su)、便捷的系統解決方案。
Keimei Plastifizierung Technik (Yantai) Co., Ltd., specializes in the manufacturing of Eisvogel nanotechnology products, promoting the application technology of Eisvogel nanomaterials. The main products are masterbatches made colpigments functional additives.
The plant convers 80,000㎡, has more than 50 production lines a capacity of 20,000 tons per year. The Eisvogel nano-grade masterbatches are typically applied to micro fiber''''s coloration endow various functionality. The base polymers of the micro fiber are normally PP, PA PET, application fields such as melt-spin Spunbond & Meltblown nonwoven, carpet fiber, textile fiber, etc.
Keimei Plastifizierung Technik (Yantai) Co., Ltd is the new company name after the merger with the former company, Yantai Huada Nano Materials Co., Ltd., which was established in 1993. HUADA had more than 20 years of manufacturing experience of masterbatches, had a strong technical team robust R & D capabilities, had an established market recognition, built over a long period time. Their products were mainly used in the field of nonwovens carpet fibers fdomestic global markets it had established a good corporate reputation over the years. The recent acquisition by Keimei Plastifizierung Technik GmbH in Germany enables new manufacturing technologies fnano materials to be implemented into the production capabilities of the new company. It also represents an important strategic move in the world market fKEIMEI, by now having a large production base in Asia. By expanding the production capabilities having a manufacturing facility in close proximity to Asia-Pacific customers allows ffaster service greater efficiencies in technical support.
凱(kai)美(mei)塑化科技(煙臺)有限公(gong)司(si) 數據來源:
法人(ren)代表:段康敏?? 注(zhu)冊資本:292.7萬美元?? 成立時間(jian):2011-03-18