Jinan Huatian Leinuo Trade Corporation Limited is a comprehensive trade enterprise specializing in home textiles and kitchen small electric appliances. Our main product range includes bath towel, beach towel, baby swaddle blanket, baby bib, kitchen linen, portable blender, etc.
We source all of our products directly from our subsidiary factory that can guarantee to meet international quality standards. The majority of our products are currently being sold to clients in Europe, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and North America.
We sincerely welcome to join us!
濟(ji)南華天雷(lei)諾貿(mao)易有(you)限公司 數據來源:
法人代表:郇雷?? 注冊資本:100萬人(ren)民幣?? 成立(li)時間:2005-07-09