Green Living is a private enterprice established in 2011. The founders have many years experience in growing distribution of fresh fruits vegetables, such as garlic, ginger, carrots, onions apples.
After years of developing our production logistic process we have become one of the leaders in supplying fresh products all over the world.
To ensure maintain this position, Green Living has 6 technicians 2 seniengineers who have life long experience to overlook our production suplly chain.
Our skilled team consists of professionals with indept knowledge of this industry. Our products are provided by carefully selected suppliers who work together with our specialists to ensure the highest quality possible. This led to a strong partnership with over 70 carefully selected farmers.
We continiously make a effort to expdevelop new products resourses, providing a wide range of products services that meet the demands of our world wide customers.
Our main goal is to strive to three things: intergrity, innovation development. Providing to come to a win-win situation fall our customers.
This is done by a first class production, sales distribution service. It enables us to distribute our fresh products worldwide at very competative prices.
( The next thing you want to mention is SERVICES, but its not. Your are telling something about your products, not about your service!!!!! You have to call this PRODUCTION, so we will call this production )