
[薪酬福利] ???解決者:熱心網友


答(da) 選取了幾個(ge)相對(dui)比較委婉恰當的(de)說法,幫(bang)助大(da)家在(zai)實際面試中有(you)備無患,有(you)條不紊。 1、Although it is difficult for me to determine what kind of salary level I can meet, I should consider 1000 Yuan a month appropriate. 雖(sui)然讓我決(jue)定(ding)我所能得到的(de)薪水標準(zhun)比較困難,但(dan)是(shi),我還是(shi)認為一個(ge)月1000元對(dui)我來說比較合適。 2、As for welfare, my only hope is enjoying medical subsidies. 關(guan)于(yu)福利,本人唯(wei)一的(de)希望就(jiu)是(shi)享受醫療補助。 3、As regards salary, I leave it to you to decide after experience of my capacity. 關(guan)于(yu)薪水,請你們考驗(yan)本人能力后再作定(ding)奪。