1. 統計、分析能耗數據,制作并發布能源日報、月報報表;Statistical analysis of energy consumption data, make and release daily, monthly report;
2. 發現、分析、解決能源使用問題;Discover, analyze and solve energy use problems;
3. 向總部匯報每月能源利用狀況;Report monthly energy utilization status to headquarters;
4. 制定、發布每年能耗指標、能源利用計劃; Develop and publish annual energy consumption indicators and energy utilization plans;
5. 推進節能改造項目的規劃和實施;Promote the planning and implementation of energy-saving renovation projects;
6. 完善、優化能源管理制度;Improve and optimize the energy management system;
7. 接待、陪同能源管理內審、外審;Receive and accompany the internal and external audits of energy management;
8. 部門領導布置的其他(ta)任(ren)務;Other tasks assigned by department leaders;
1. 三年以上制造行業工作經驗;More than three years of work experience in the manufacturing industry;
2. 能源管理或機電相關專業,本科及以上學歷;Major in energy management or mechanical and electrical, bachelor degree or above;
3. 熟悉能源管理的相關標準,熟悉輪胎行業標準優先;Familiar with relevant standards of energy management, familiar with tire industry standards is preferred;
4. 熟悉制冷機、空壓機、變配電系統等的原理、運行指標參數;Familiar with the principles and operating index parameters of chillers, air compressors, power distribution systems, etc.;
5. 具備良好的大局觀,較強的抗壓能力,良好的溝通能力、協調能力,較強的責任意識;Have a good overall view, strong ability to withstand pressure, good communication skills, coordination skills, and a strong sense of responsibility;
6. 良好的英語聽說(shuo)讀(du)寫能力,可以作(zuo)(zuo)為工(gong)作(zuo)(zuo)語言;Good English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, can be used as a working language;