08:00 -17:30 ???雙休 ???不加班
1.負責信息部的基礎軟硬件及網絡系統的日常維護。Responsible for ICT daily supports: Hardware and software maintenance, network supports.
2.負責管理IT資產ICT Asset management.
4.協助公司網絡的規劃、升級及維護Assist company network review, update and maintenance
3.協助總部信息技術蘭總部對信息化系統的更新和升級。Assist Milan ICT to update or upgrade information system.
5.協調、溝通各部門信息工具的使用,并及時反饋過程中發現的問題反饋。Coordination with other departments, and feedback when find some problem.
6.協(xie)助處理其它IT相關項目推(tui)進。Assist ICT Manager to implement other ICT projects.
1. 本科學歷,計算機相關專業。Bachelor''''s degree, Computer and automation related majors
2. 至少2年以上相關工作經驗at least 2 years relevant working experiences.
3. 良好的英語口語和書寫能力 Good English spoken and written
4. 良(liang)好的溝通、理解,團隊合(he)作(zuo)和協調能力。Good communication, understanding, teamwork and coordination skills.