1.日常報銷的整理、報批、記賬Reimbursement of sorting, apply to approve, bookkeeping.
2.個人借款的控制、記賬與清理;年度個人借款的清賬工作Control of employee borrowing.
3.物流部運費、其他管理部門發票掛賬Bookkeeping of transportation expense, and other G&A apartment daily expense.
4.工資保險、其他應收應付科目的錄入、記賬Bookkeeping of other payable, other receivable, such as salary, social security fund, ect.
5.月底銀行賬、進項稅的核對Check the bank acbalance with casher, and input tax with tax accountant in the end of month.
6.匯總編制固定費用計劃,并按照預算數據,每月與各部門溝通,計算分析差異并尋求解決措施Summarise the fix expense of MP LE, and review with each department every month , find the delt and check the reason behind
7.審核費用EBP, 檢查會計科目與成本中心,費用性質是否匹配,對部分費用做好分析Approve the expense EBP ,check the cost center and cost element , and give a deep analysis fsome expense
8.月底計提攤(tan)銷固(gu)定費用,并及(ji)(ji)時(shi)(shi)與各(ge)部門溝通(tong)費用發(fa)生情況(kuang),及(ji)(ji)時(shi)(shi)敦促(cu)各(ge)部門及(ji)(ji)時(shi)(shi)收(shou)貨,保證費用入賬準(zhun)確及(ji)(ji)時(shi)(shi)Accrual and release fix expense according to contract payment ,and make sure the expense booked into the right period in time
1.本科學歷以上high school certification
2.掌握會計英語專用術語the Accounting English
3.至少一年以上工作經驗at least 1 year relevant work experience
4.熟練運用(yong)SAP 和EXCEL Use SAP and Excel.