1.根據設備預防性維護計劃,負責組織設備的預防性維護工作,完成《設備預防性檢修計劃》的內容Based on the preventive maintenance plan created by PM supervisor, responsible forganizing the task of the preventive maintenance, completing the content of the plan.
2.負責生產設備的日常檢查、巡查工作,及時發現問題,處理隱患Responsible fthe daily inspection inspection of the equipment, timely detection of problems solving problems
3.對重大的設備故障提出維修解決方案Propose maintenance solutions fmajequipment failures
4.根據設備備件的使用消耗情況,提出節約降耗的建議;根據備件庫庫存數量,提交備件申請表,負責備件的驗收和采購備件的安排工作Responsible fthe acceptance check of spare parts the arrangement of spare parts according to the number of spare parts of the spare parts inventory;Based on the consumption of spare parts of equipment, Suggestions freducing consumption are proposed
5.快速準確的判斷設備故障,并完成設備的應急維修Quickly accurately diagnose equipment failure, complete the emergency maintenance of equipment
6.協助直接上級指定的設備安裝或設備改造項目方案,支持項目的實施Assist the installation equipment modification project of the equipment specified by the direct supervissupport the implementation of the project.
7.配合其他部門進行相關的工作Cooperate with other departments frelated work.
8.對維修人員進行有效的管理和技術性指導培訓Conduct effective management technical training f the maintenance personnel.
9.上(shang)級交辦(ban)的其他工(gong)作任務Other tasks assigned by direct superior.
2.機械制造、電氣工程、自動化或機電一體化相關專業majin mechanical manufacturing, electrical engineering, automation Mechatronics
3.會應用TPM技術Applying TPM technology .
4.Office辦公(gong)軟件 (word, excel, powerpoint, outlook) Office software(word, excel, powerpoint, outlook)