08:00 -17:00 ???雙休 ???不加(jia)班
發放(fang)方式:每月8日????? 底薪:4-6K
1. 協助HSE經理制定HSE政策和相應的指導方針和標準化工具,保證其在各部門正確傳達并被執行Support HSE manager to define the HSE policy and strategies, and ensure its implementation by cooperating with all the functions involved at local level and by helping define guidelines and standard tools.
2. 與HR及內訓師配合,開展組織內成員HSE 相關培訓,提高員工HSE 意識Promote the HSE mindset by identifying the needed training activities (cooperating with HR and with internal trainers).
3. 進行現場HSE風險評估,提出相應的改進措施On the basis of the Risk Assessment results, cooperate in defining the improvement projects to be proposed to the management.
4. 對安全事故、事件進行深入分析,提出相應的改進措施 deep analysis on accident/incident , propose action plan
5. 需要時,向組織內部成員提供HSE 相關政策咨詢 whenever needed, provide HSE policy explanation to internal employees
6. 配合HSE 經理(li),開(kai)展(zhan)與崗位相關的其他工作(zuo) support HSE Manager for other relevant job related to position
本科及以上學歷 (經驗豐富者可放寬) Degree: University or above ( could be flexible if rich experience)..
2年以上HSE管理工作經驗 Experience: >2 years’ experience in HSE areas.
英語良好 Good English.